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Entrepreneurship Training Program

KOTO has partnered with Action on Poverty in Vietnam to deliver the entrepreneurship training component of the Her Turn Program. Each group of women in the Her Turn Program will attend a series of 6-workshops including an excursion to a local homestay in Đà Bắc, Hòa Bình.

In Vietnam, Action on Poverty’s community-based tourism project is helping ethnic minority groups in provinces across Vietnam develop long-term livelihoods.

The first workshop covered definitions and components of product/service & the trainees brainstormed their entrepreneurship product ideas. They were able to learn what is and what makes a product/service, then chose one idea they'd love to develop in the future, either as a group or as individuals. These ideas will be what they actually work on refining and sharpening throughout the training course.

They presented to the class the initial product concepts, design, location, market and customers, and quality. Looking forward to the future, we will have 2 bakery cafes, 1 juice shop, a homestay-experience tourism business, a local food shop, a rural community cafe, and many more!



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